Boli la animale Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) in a cat-TECA and single pedicle advancement flap reconstructive surgery February 5, 2022 Squam cell carcinoma of the ear in a cat. Note the local invasion Surgical prep for TECA Final step of the SCC excision, TECA with confirmed clear hystologycal margins (complete excision) View of the tissues after TECA and complete excision of advanced SCC of the ear in a cat. View towards of the bulae Elevation of a single pedicle advancement flap from dorsal part of the cervical area. As it is impossible to perform a simple afrontation of the surgical wound margins after the large excision of a ear SCC and TECA the skin of the neck is used to close the large defect. Surgical aspect after the single pedicle advancement flap is placed over the receptor area with simple interrupted suture. Proper wound healing at the time of suture removal after SCC large excison, TECA and single pedicle advancement flap in a cat. de Dr. Daniel Lescai Doctor in Medicina Veterinara