CAA (Canine Acabthomatous Ameloblastoma) is a common tumor in dogs with 45.5% of situations affecting rostral mandible. This the case of a male dog, castrated, 10 yo with a large mandibular tumor with bone invasion as seen on CT scan. Curative intent surgery implies a bilateral rostral mandibulectomy. Clean margins after surgery, good cosmesis, good function and a cured old dog.
Fig.1. X-ray of the mandible after resection with the bone invasion clearly visible
Fig. 2. CT scan of the same dog, note the bone invasion of the CAA
Fig. 3. Large CAA affecting the rostral mandible
Fig. 4. Mandibular canal after osteotomy and use of bone wax.
Fig. 5. The mandible and the CAA after excision
Fig. 6. Postoperative aspect of the dog with bilateral rostral mandibulectomy
de Dr. Daniel Lescai